
Week 10

In week 10 Peter and Tom gave a presentation on Peer To Peer File Sharing. First I want to say that their presentation was really really good. It was interesting, well elaborated and they spoke to the audience and didn´t read their text.
The whole Peer To Peer thing is newish to me. A short time ago I started to use Skype. It´s a brilliant invention, espacially when you´re abroad and you want to telephone for free. But when I started to use Skype here in Australia I was surprised how much influence Skype has on my internet bill and on the internet speed respectively. Our landlord told us that we have 15 GB for upload and download and that 15 GB must be enough for us. When we should cross the 15 GB limit we would be degraded to modem speed. In the middle of the month we were already degraded. It was horrible. I underrated how I am dependent on the internet.
In Germany we pay for the speed of the internet. The faster your internet is the more you have to pay. But there is no limit in up- and download.
When the internet guy installed the modem he even told us a website where we can download songs. He is downloading the whole day. So I thought that downloading music is legal in this country. J Now I know better. In Germany it´s illegal as well. Furthermore campaign creates an atmosphere of anxiaty that one day the police will knock on your door and arrest you for the illegal download of music. On the one hand I can understand the approach but on the other hand the illegal download of music is fast and cheap, very cheap. J When I realy love the music of a musician I buy the album in a shop because I want to have a real disc and because I want to support this musician. But when I like just one song of an artist I don´t want to spend so much money on his album. Then I prefer to download it – illegal of course.

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