
week 1 & 2

Numbers & Waves
10100001011 – hard to understand that these are more than just numbers, that they have a meaning: “hello”
A looong time ago the world was “analogue”. Every information was transported through waves. But now in the digital century everything consists of 1s and 0s – on or off. Transportation of information is easier and faster. There is more place for music on a compact disc than on a cassette. :-)

Western Eye
Because our “western eye” is used to read from left to right and from top to buttom the most important things on websites are in the left corner: the logo, log in etc.
But in other cultures the concept of websites is different. Peter showed us an Asian website. Totally interesting, for me the site seemed to be very confusing because my eyes are used to another “style”.
But when the most important things are placed at the top why do I have to scroll down at webCT to write my passwort? My passwort is important, isn´t it? Or is the webCT from another culture?

'As we may think'
I was really surprised last week that just three or four persons had read the text 'As we may think' espescially because I was one of these persons. I have to say that I understood just about 30 percent of it. There are two reasons: English is not my first language and I am no insider. And the 30 percent that I have understood….I can´t remember. It´s too long ago.
I am wondering how many people will read the text for tomorrow. And will I be one of them?

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